Dear guy with teardrop tattoos…

Tattoos…as in multiple…

Now, I’m not completely sure what teardrop tattoos symbolize but I’m pretty sure that they mean you have either been imprisoned for many years or you have killed some people.

I try not to judge, you know? Like, I don’t really want to kick it with you but the fact that you’re sitting across from me on the train out to New Jersey really isn’t a big deal.

That being said, I would like you to leave me alone, please. Even if you didn’t have crazy murder/gang/prison (or whatever they are) related tattoos I would want to be left alone. Train time is my quiet time. I don’t know if you got the hint, but the fact that I’m not responding to any of the things you are asking me means that I don’t want to talk to you.

Side note: For those of you who have never taken New Jersey Transit, there is a section in each train car where there are four seats that all face each other. So, teardrop tattoo guy and I started out sitting across from each other. Okay, lets continue…

Also, I know enough Spanish to know that in those phone calls you make you keep talking about me. No, I will not be your girlfriend. Yes, I now know that your “nail salon” is a front for some kind of drug thing. (P.S. You should probably get a better cover store. You don’t seem like the type of guy to run a nail salon. Just saying.)

AH! Why did you move to sit next to me!? While annoyed, I was perfectly content with you sitting across from me. You know, like arms length away. It makes it a whole lot more difficult for me to ignore you when you are two inches away from me. (It’s okay, Kacey. Just play it cool. Don’t make eye contact. Don’t make eye contact.)

Shit. I made eye contact.

I’m getting off now. This isn’t even my stop.



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