Symptoms of a Stage Manager

  1. You think that wearing black actually makes you invisible. Even more so, 90% of your wardrobe is black.

  2. Your life is run by lists. I make a list for literally everything: to-do lists for today, to-do lists for this week, lists of things to think about, lists of bills to pay, lists of emails to respond to, grocery lists, budget lists. I could go on.

  3. You have nightmares about set strike. This is the worst. After I finished my production of Watson: The Musical I had nightmares for two weeks about strike after it had already happened.

  4. You have to resist writing rehearsal reports for everyday events. I just want to be organized!

  5. You can’t see a production without worrying about what the Stage Manager is doing. The other day I saw The Public’s production of Antony and Cleopatra and while I was completely blown away the entire second half of the play I couldn’t stop thinking, “Oh my, there is so much blood. That poor, poor Stage Manager.”

  6. You’re at least a half hour early to everything in your life. This is usually a good thing. Not super awesome when you are stuck sitting at a bar alone because you’re overly punctual.

  7. Everything can be fixed with gaff tape. For those of you who think duct tape is the answer to everything, you are mistaken.

  8. When going out with friends you’re sure to keep track if everyone’s belongings. You’re welcome, friends, for making sure that nothing gets left behind.

  9. Everything needs a label. Thank God for post-its.

  10. You check your lists more than Santa. My Assistant Stage Managers and Running Crew are all regretfully aware of this one. If the list hasn’t been checked at least ten times we cannot open the house. Thanks for putting up with me. Go check the list again.

  11. Sometimes you can be very scary. Fear and obey me! I hope we can still be friends.

  12. You time out Equity regulated breaks for yourself. Well I have been doing homework for 55 minutes. I must take a 5 minute break. Or I could push through to 80 minutes and get a 10 minute break!


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Dear Irish guy on the subway…

Be my best friend. No, seriously. Please be my best friend. You made my subway ride home at 1am a million times better. This is what happened in the moments leading to you getting on my train: I had been standing on the platform at 36th... Continue →