3 Worst Things About Living in Brooklyn

I spent a horrid six months trying to rough it in Midtown when I first moved to New York City. Cramming three girls into a tiny one bedroom apartment is probably the worst idea anyone has ever had. I moved to Bay Ridge, Brooklyn two years ago today. Now for those of you who don’t know, Bay Ridge is not the like “Hey I’m one stop away from Manhattan” type of Brooklyn. Bay Ridge is the “Hey I’m the last stop on the R line and oh, also, I forgot to mention the R doesn’t run to Manhattan anymore” type of Brooklyn.

I adore living in Brooklyn. But, it does have its downsides.

  1. All relationships are long distance. Let’s face it, on your day off the last thing you want to do is leave your apartment, let alone your borough. Queens is this far off land that one only ventures to in absolute desperation. Relationships in this city are hard. You want to see your friends or significant other and you’re going to have to travel. I am super tired of hearing about people not wanting to see me because they don’t want to travel to Brooklyn.

  2. Stupid long commute. To be honest the commute isn’t that bad during the day. It takes me 45 minutes to an hour to get to work every day. I don’t mind for the most part. It’s usually my quiet time. However, if you are traveling to or from Brooklyn by subway at any time the MTA deems “Late Night Service” you’re basically screwed. By “Late Night Service” they actually mean “It’s Late So We Are Going To Make You Wait On a Subway Platform for a Very Long Time.” It also means “It’s Late So We Decided That None of the Normal Trains Will Run.”

  3. Cab ride home? Goodbye spending money. When staying out late you really have two options to get home to Brooklyn: spend a ridiculous amount of time on a subway or pay for a cab ride home with your first born child. For me to take a cab home from the Financial District it could cost me upwards of $40. Now, for those of you who are boring, the train is the obvious answer. But, for those of us who sometimes drink more than we should, cabs are important. Tip: when going out drinking, bring your roommate and make them split a cab with you.

Be sure to click the links above to read my letters on relating topics.

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